Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Shingles - a REAL PAIN

Everyone agrees. Shingles are painful - very painful. 

How do you "catch" shingles? YOU DON'T 

Shingles are caused by a virus that we all are exposed to as a child. It can remain dormant (inactive) for decades. Just when you've forgotten that you ever had Chicken Pox as a child, you break out with painful blisters. Yes. Shingles are caused by the same vuirus that causes chicken pox. Chicken Pox are a nuisance. Shingles is a long painful recovery period.

Gingivitis Can Make You REAL SICK

Gum inflammation is called GINGIVITIS and it's very common. Some reports tell us that a majority of adults have this condistion to one degree or another. There's some controversy about how we "get" the disease. There are even more opinions about how to prevent or treat it. 

Before heading to the operating room for surgery on your gums take some time to read my article about treating and preventing gum disease withoput drugs or surgery.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Progesterone?

QUESTION: My daughter give birth to her son 3 1/2 months ago. She is now experiencing some odd symptoms that the doctor suspects might be rheumatoid arthritis - stiff hands, feet, joints etc. I remember you saying that there may be a relationship between RA and low progesterone? She is back to having periods.

What can you tell me?

Soreness for Nursing Mothers

It is common for a new mother to experience pain and soreness whe they nurse their newborn. 

First, it is a new experience - having that much attention paid to an area of the body that had been mostly protected. 

Second, it is easy to develop a mild infection, one that both baby and mom share back and forth. It isn't serious, but it can be very uncomforable. There are numerous simple ways to treat the problem - and they usually clear things up to a point where the problem goes away for good.

We've posted some excellent information on our websit. Use the link on the titl;e of this article to read more. I guarantee you'll find the kind of help you will need.


The report was about research that appeared in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). "They" said that vitamin C is useless and that vitamin E "might" cause bleeding strokes.

Barbara Howard, a nutrition scientist at MedStar Research Institute of Hyattsville, Md. said, "In these hard economic times, maybe we can save some money by not buying these supplements."

I suggest that Ms. Howard is all wet

As usual, the reports and the study itself are riddled with
logic holes.

Saving A Pregnancy With Progesterone

The FDA and its industry supporters seem firm in their resolve to keep as many people as possible confused about the role of REAL human hormones .

Bioidentical progesterone is DISTINCTLY different from the chemical substances that drug makers refer to as hormones.

Can BIOIDENTICAL PROGESTERONE help protect a high risk pregnancy?

Bitter Reality - AVOID SPLENDA!

Some REAL RESEARCH points out that sucralose (Splenda) is not something any of use ought to be consuming.

When all is said and done, sucraloseis a toxic chemical.

It is a substance completely foreign to nature.

The manufactureres of this poison don't tell the truth about its safety.