Friday, December 21, 2007


QUESTION: I’ve noticed that you recommend avoiding MSG, which is found in gelatin and other foods. However, many nutritional supplements contain gelatin as an "other ingredient." Would you please comment?

Monosodium Glutamate can show up anywhere - even in some of the medicines we take. If you use L-Lysine to treat cold sores or canker sores, you will want to be sure you buy tablets NOT gelatin capsules. More...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


We're ALL addicted to sweetness. And food manufacturers feel obligated to feed our addiction by adding one or more sweeteners to their products - even some of the ones we wouldn't expect to be sweet. Some are chemicals (aspartame, for example) and some are natural (sugar). There's also a sweetener derived from corn - called HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). Just look at the labels and you'll find it in just about everything we consume. Dr. Al Sears warns us about this substance. You owe it to yourself to learn more about this potentially toxic substance. More...

Antibiotic Cocktail

You are completely responsible for your own health. All the good intentions on the part of your doctor might not save you from the side effects of prescription drugs. One of my customers has found this out the hard way. A long course of multiple antibiotics has seriously injured her health. Karen's done her research and she's given me permission to share her story with you. Please read it and share it. More...


Controlling pain often requires the use of strong opioid drugs. While opioids do relieve pain, they can also induces other symptoms that have to be dealt with. One of our readers asked about her brother's constipation problems. Unresolved constipation should not be tolerated. How does one resolve the constipation caused by opioids without reducing the level of pain relief? More...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I don't support the use of drugs to reduce cholesterol. Yes, I understand there is a correlation between elevated cholesterol and serious health conditions, but I am not convinced that cholesterol causes disease. Actually, the evidence supports just the opposite.

I am in the minority on this position. One drug company that has led the way with cholesterol-lowering drugs is trying a new tactic. They are planning to use a non-prescription vitamin (niacin) coupled with an experimental drug to lower cholesterol levels while controlling some of the side effects caused by niacin.

While this might restore sales for the drug sellers, I'm not sure this is such a good medical idea. More...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tranilast - Another Wonder Worker?

I'd like to tell you about a substance called TRANILAST. It's derived from the amino acid, tryptophan and it's a bright yellow-green when made into a topical cream. When you hear the stories about it you might think it's another snake oil. But it isn't.

We've used it for many years and we'd like to tell you about all the things we've found that TRANILAST seems to do. There are some published articles about it, but most of what we understand comes from stories from people who have had good experiences. More...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Intersting Eczema Treatment

Eczema is an inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by rashes and intense itching with swelling, redness, and blistering. Proteins produced by white blood cells, called cytokines, stimulate certain cells in the body to make nitric oxide, which contributes to the redness and swelling. Traditional treatments for eczema aim to control the symptoms.

It was found that vitamin B12 inhibits production of cytokines and can trap nitric oxide, making it less harmful. One new study reported in the British Journal of Dermatology investigated the effect of a topical application of a vitamin B12 cream on eczema. More...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sinus Rinse System

Sometimes the simplest things have the most profound impact on our health. One area that comes up often is allergies, especially the ones that cause us to sneeze and have runny noses and watery eyes. Quite often these are caused by allergens (something that causes an allergy, allergic response, or hypersensitivity) that get into our nasal passages and sinuses. It could be something as common as fine black pepper or pollen. Or it might be a vapor or chemical irritant that we are sensitive to. Whatever the source of our irritation, it is best to remove it. The frequent sneezing is Nature's way of trying to remove the irritant.

We clean our external bodies every day, but how often do we think about doing something to keep our sinuses clean? I know it didn't occur to me until I came across the Sinus Rinse system. It is simple, inexpensive, and a very safe method for removing irritants and allergens from our sinuses. More...

A REAL Pain in the Behind - NO JOKE!

I understand that this newsletter isn't for everyone. It's about hemorrhoids. Still, as many as 40% of all U.S. adults experience them to a greater or lesser degree. When they're bad, they can be very bad. For some people the common non-prescription creams and suppositories work fine. But the rest need something far more potent. Until recently there was little that would help.

Now we have a special formulation and a unique dosage form, the Rectal Rocket. It's a frivolous name but it is SERIOUS MEDICINE. Standard non-surgical treatments can take weeks to resolve with the old fashion methods. Rectal Rockets have been shown to completely eliminate the problem in as little as three applications. That's complete healing with just three simple doses. People do NOT have to suffer in silence because of the itching and burning pain of hemorrhoids. More...

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Disease Business.

I receive something in my email about "stopping the FDA" just about every day. Has the agency that's supposed to protect us gone NUTS,? Or maybe there is just a lot hysteria "out there". Those really are the only two options for all this communication. Either THEY are really trying to change things for the worse, OR the rest of us have become overly sensitive, maybe even paranoid.

For one I don't think we can be TOO sensitive about the possibility of excess government intervention into our lives. Second, is it paranoia if THEY REALLY ARE AFTER YOU?

Can Topical Testosterone Rub Off?

I received a call last week from a customer asking about the possibility that his topical testosterone cream could rub off on his wife and cause problems. That is an excellent question. So good that I knew immediately I had to unpack this further and publish it as soon as possible.More...

Do ALL Women Need Estrogen At Menopause?

It may seem like it, but I disagree. I am a strong supporter of the use of hormone supplements - WHEN THEY ARE NEEDED. "Common Opinion" is that all women will need extra hormones just because they reach menopause. That seems like a design defect to me and as far as I know, our design is really very good. So, I think that too many women are taking too many hormones - chemical and bioidentical. More...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More About Sunshine

The controversy about sunshine and vitamin D continues. It seems that it is "common knowledge" that sunlight is somehow related to cancer - of all types, but particularly skin cancer. I say "common knowledge' because everybody knows for sure that sun is the culprit. What if the sun is really GOOD FOR YOU? More...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How Much SOY is Good For You?"

Soy is not good for humans. It is probably VERY bad for us. That doesn't interfere with how much soy is in use in this country every day. It's in many commercial foods (mayonnaise, salad dressing, ice cream, pastries, and so on). There are even make believe foods that are made entirely of processed soy material. There are shakes and bars that use processed soy as a protein source. And, you will find a wide variety of supplements that contain soy products. Soy is really cheap and soy producers have done a fantastic job marketing their little beans. BEWARE! More...