The exact CAUSE of Lichen Planus is not know. However there is some evidence that it may be a type of viral infection, similar to those caused by the herpes virus. It has been suggested that true lichen planus may respond to stress (as does the virus that is responsible for cold sores), where lesions may present on the mucosa or skin during times of stress in those with the disease. Lichen planus affects women more than men (at a ratio of 3:2), and occurs most often in middle-aged adults.
Currently there is no cure for lichen planus but there are certain types of medicines used to reduce the effects of the inflammation. Lichen planus may go into a dormant state after treatment. There are also reports that lichen planus can flare up years after it is considered cured.
So, what's a person to do - just sit back and wait for it to go away? Maybe not.
Here's something to consider. More...
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