Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Avoid the Flu!

The FLU is present at all times in all places. It is one or more virus organisms that are continuously mutating. We are exposed to some really bad ones all the time, yet rarely feel their effects. Once in awhile a weak one will knock us down, but we usually get up again. I do not think that there is some kind of malicious super bug "out there" that is trying to get us. Therefore, I suggest common sense to avoid getting sick.
  • Wash hands regularly - especially if you come in contact with other people.
  • Wash bed linens weekly
  • Keep the toothbrush clean - rinse daily with peroxide
  • Avoid crowds
  • Avoid hospitals and doctors' offices
  • Clean all food (produce mostly) that may havfe been touched by another person - or sneezed on.
  • Use a good probiotic once or twice daily (empty stomach, clean water)
  • Drink PLENTY of water
  • Get enough rest and sleep
  • Take at least 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily (I like Emergen-C)
  • Get sunshine and/or take 4,000 units of vitamin D3 every day
  • Exercise
  • Eat plenty of protein, but minimal red meat
  • Avoid all processed carbohydrates (especially any carb that is WHITE)
  • Eat well and avoid all "fast food"
  • Don't drink any sweetened drinks (no sodas)
  • Don't use artificial sweeteners

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