I'd consider ordering them if they were made un the United States.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Why not try it?
My thoughts about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) are fairly liberal - contrary to what "those in the know" support.
Another piece of the coat is beginning to unravel.
Annual screening with chest X-Ray did not reduce lung cancer mortality compared with usual care. I am pleased that the rest of the medical community is beginning to recognize the flaws and fallacies in the whole idea of medical screening.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
PSA is out. What about mammograms?
The link on this post is to a report in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Here's their Conclusion: "Most women with screen-detected breast cancer have not had their life saved by screening. They are instead either diagnosed early (with no effect on their mortality) or overdiagnosed."
That simple statement holds massive amounts of information, particularly for women and their families when a diagnosis is made when the woman is young. Imagine the devastation of "hearing" she has cancer. Those are words that can ruin a life and they can NEVER be recalled.
Monday, October 24, 2011
“You will always have leachables”
A professor from the University of Illinois once BLASTED me about my concerns of "estrogens in the environment". I still worry about pesticides, plasticizers, household chemicals, and so on - all that exert activity on the body similar to estrogens. The professor told me in a lecturing tone of voice that those chemicals are tested and found only in small, insignificant amounts. I asked about the dangers that might occur when a person ingested "safe" amounts of several of those substances. The professor paid for his order and left without another comment, except, "have a nice day". I never saw him again. Hmm.
I still think my concerns are correct. In fact, the number of toxins have increased and, now, here's a report about how even more chemicals get into our bodies through leaching - moving from the packaging to the contents and then into our bodies.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Addicted to Medical Testing?
Medical tests should be used to CONFIRM a diagnosis, not MAKE a diagnosis.
I recently heard from someone who said her doctor said arecent blood test showed that she is hypothyroid (low thyroid). She didn't ask to be tested for thyroid and did not report ANY symptoms that might lead the doctor to think her thyroid was not functioning up to par. The doctor used that one test value to arrive at a diagnosis. Of course, he promptly wrote a prescription for a drug the woman "knew in her gut" she shouldn't take. I told her it might be wise to listen to her gut.
More on the ADHD issue.
Two studies out of the U.K. found that kids given foods that contain artificial dyes and the preservative sodium benzoate start to climb the walls.
I must always ask, "would you prefer to drug your child with speed drugs or find ways to prevent/treat his/her ADHD more naturally?"
Drugs only seem to be an easy answer. Over the long haul, they are still deadly.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
ADHD - More Drugs or Better Food and Exercise?
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition tailor-made to sell drugs.
One analysis finds that the number of kids on drugs like Ritalin and Adderall has jumped 3.4% every year since 1996.
There's a mountain of evidence that a combination of better diet and more exercise (especially outdoors) is superior to drug "treatment".
How would you prefer to help your child if he/she received a diagnosis of ADHD?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Should your hairdresser screen you for skin cancer?
I'm not certain how I feel about this idea. Sure, it makes sense on some level, but how would it play out in the mess we call a legal system in the U.S. today?
prenatal test for Down syndrome
What would you do if you discovered your unborn might have Down's syndrome as early as 10 weeks into a pregnancy?
Just think about it. I am not actually soliciting answers.
Typical of modern "scientific" studies?
One study says there's NO effect from diet. The other says there is. Which is it? Both? Neither? C'mon scientists, get your STUFF together. All you're doing these days is confusing everyone - including yourselves. It would be better to say, "we found two studies that contradict each other, so we're not going to report either". Instead, they seem to NEED studies so badly they're willing to publish anything and everything.
Dumb. Irresponsible. Irritating. Confusing.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
What are you made of?
Most of the cells in our bodies aren't "us". Who the heck are they, then? Pleas note that this is NOT for the squeamish (just kidding).
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Give Me a Break!
How can anyone legitimately ask, "Did Alternative Medicine Kill Steve Jobs?"
It is very rare for someone to survive 5 years after they’ve received a diagnosis of localized pancreatic cancer. More than half die in under ten months. Steve Jobs received his diagnosis in 2004 and died in 2011, a seven year ordeal that wasn’t made completely unbearable with “standard medicine”. Here was a man who lived his life on his terms. He decided how he would be treated. The conclusion of his life was determined by a disease, but it didn’t control him. Standard medical approaches offered a statistical survival of 6 months to under five years. He BEAT those odds by not following the standard course of treatment from the start.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Do we BELIEVE it will get better?
A news article regarding shortages of medicines at hospitals was sent to me, and the sender asked my thoughts.
I wanted to share those with you.
The iSuck is really cool.
Available exclusively from The Compounder website. I STUCK a container of our special skin cream to the glass by the door. It stayed there for over two weeks. I think it finally vibrated loose.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Consumers pay everything. Don't you forget it.
Who REALLY paid the tobacco company fines?
Does anyone really believe that the tobacco companies are paying the $206 billion fine that was levied on them in 1998? Every penny they have - and pay in fines or taxes - comes from the sale of their products.
What if the government imposes a tax on a company - any company? The customers of that company pay it. The company either raises prices or accepts lower profit (ha!).
FDA is Doing a 180
In October, 1981, our FDA published its *DESI Less-Than-Effective Drug List. Effective the end of that month, the government would stop reimbursement for those drugs under Medicaid and Medicare Part B. The hundreds of drugs on that special list eventually left the market. Now, the same FDA - a little older and wiser (yeah, right) is now approving combination drugs again. Is this a case of dumb OR dumber?
*CYA Medicine
Medical professionals are running scared - afraid of lawsuits. The driving fears almost force them to do what everyone else is doing - sometimes referred to as the standard of care. The days of helping people achieve and maintain health are long gone for most practitioners. In place of good diets, exercise, and meditation are drugs, surgery, and radiation. Most of us lose in this scenario, but the doctors are safe and protected from legal harm. Yet, according to this report, they go ahead and DO the things that they DON'T prescribe to their patients. Is this ANOTHER moral problem? I think so.
*CYA = Cover Your A**
Sunday, October 09, 2011
I don't FEEL that I'm too old, but...
This seems to be a good project and I'd participate if I didn't fail the acceptance standards (age, don't you know). The idea is to establish a database of people who can be matches for bone marrow. Seth Godin (http://bit.ly/roZApA) told me about it in reference for finding a marrow match for his friend who has leukemia.
Friday, October 07, 2011
Why Was the 1918 Flu So Lethal?
Mortality during that flu pandemic was universally associated with concurrent severe bacterial pneumonia, which today is preventable and curable.
There are also reports that suggest sanitation is better in 2011 than it was in 1918. Ya think that might have an impact on health?
Can a coach be dedicated to his team?
YES! [Kurt Becker] is so dedicated to the Marmion team that he was not joining the ’85 Bears team in their visit to the White House — not because of any political agenda, but simply because the visit conflicted with a big Marmion game and Becker had just explained to the kids how the team must come first.
It's About Time, Thank you...
"Healthy men should no longer receive a P.S.A. blood test to screen for prostate cancer because the test does not save lives over all and often leads to more tests and treatments that needlessly cause pain, impotence and incontinence in many, a key government health panel has decided. "
The government has also stated, "... only 25 to 35 percent of men who have a biopsy due to an elevated PSA level actually have prostate cancer". (see http://1.usa.gov/oEmRPr). That means the PSA test is PROBABLY WRONG up to 75% of the time.
Monday, October 03, 2011
Positive gut flora at the core of ADHD treatment?
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride describes the entire process in her book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia.
Start by reading my blog post. Then, buy the book if this topic interests you.