Monday, October 24, 2011

“You will always have leachables”

A professor from the University of Illinois once BLASTED me about my concerns of "estrogens in the environment". I still worry about pesticides, plasticizers, household chemicals, and so on - all that exert activity on the body similar to estrogens. The professor told me in a lecturing tone of voice that those chemicals are tested and found only in small, insignificant amounts. I asked about the dangers that might occur when a person ingested "safe" amounts of several of those substances. The professor paid for his order and left without another comment, except, "have a nice day". I never saw him again. Hmm.

I still think my concerns are correct. In fact, the number of toxins have increased and, now, here's a report about how even more chemicals get into our bodies through leaching - moving from the packaging to the contents and then into our bodies.

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