Monday, June 17, 2013

My Top Three Worst Drugs!

There are many (legal) drugs - too many - and they all pose a threat to health, even when used according to the approved instructions.

Before I share the top three worst, I want to reiterate my basic concern about excess drug use. Of course, the people taking the drugs are at risk for harmful side effects. But, probably more importantly, those of us who don't take drugs directly can also suffer side effects from the tons of drugs routinely dumped into our drinking water supply.

As much as we'd prefer it, drugs do not get "used up" or inactivated in the body of the person who used it on purpose. Metabolized drugs can even have more toxicity than the original. Regardless of the precise mechanisms, our water supply is becoming increasingly contaminated with excreted drugs.

The drugs and chemicals in our water remain in the water because our water treatment systems are incapable of removing them. Why doesn't the government report on the levels of drugs in the water? They'd probably have to if they actually tested for them. Rather than alarm us with facts, they merely decide to not do the test. That means there are many chemicals getting into our bodies that we don't know about - and that nobody wants to tell us about. This will only be reversed when we all stop taking so many drugs - or stop urinating and defecating. Any volunteers?

Back to the main topic, the top three worst drugs.

First on my list are the statin drugs. These chemicals are offered to practically everyone. It seems that the accepted cholesterol levels fall a little every year - meaning that more and more of us are prescribed drugs to meet those lower levels. Cholesterol has not been shown to cause any illness, yet we all seem fixated on our blood levels and how to push them lower and lower. Statin use is unnecessarily high and it's hurting all of us.
The FDA recently announced that the highest dose statin pills should only be used with extreme caution. There is a high risk of myopathy (muscle weakness), liver damage, and joint pain that is particularly associated with the highest dose pill, the one that's 80mg. The serious side effects are not just associated with that one strength pill. They are also found in people taking lower doses, especially if they have been using them for extended periods of time. That's practically everyone who takes statins - and then a bunch of us who are getting our doses from the water supply.

Second in line are the PPI drugs (Proton Pump Inhibitors). These are the drugs used to reduce the levels of acid in our stomach. Somehow we've gotten the idea (false, by the way) that our heartburn and GERD are CAUSED by too much acid. That's why the drug makers have been selling us toxic chemicals (PPIs)
designed to block the formation and release of acid.

Truth be told, acid reflux happens when the digestive systems pushes and squeezes our stomach contents - probably in response to insufficient acid and digestive juice - and some of the acidic material gets up into our esophagus. The actual treatment and prevention of gastric reflux is to INCREASE acid, the use of digestive enzymes, and consuming plenty of clean water - not coffee, tea, soda pop, fruit juice, or milk. Just water - perhaps with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Using PPIs hampers our ability to digest food and extract nutrients. In addition, they can become a habit. But, it seems far easier to swallow a PPI than to eat correctly.

Third are the hormone drugs - especially the estrogens (menopause hormones and birth control pills) and environmental substances that mimic estrogen activity in our body (soy, plasticizers, pesticides, to name just a few). There are numerous articles that explain the potential risks associated with consumption of synthetic hormone replacement drugs. Even cancer has been directly associated with estrogen and estrogen activity.
While bio-identical hormones have become "all the rage", there is evidence that they are generally no safer than the commercial versions. In the case of cancer, for example, it is likely that estrogen can stimulate the growth of cancer cells - in the people who take it intentionally and those of us who get it second hand (unknowingly). Estrogen makes cells grow - it can make us fat. It can cause anxiety and many of the symptoms associated with menopause. It is associated with anxiety and depression. It can counteract the effect of testosterone and be responsible for the feminizing of men - low sperm counts are probably associated with estrogen activity.

There you have it. The top three worst drugs. I avoid them and my fervent hope is that more and more people will do likewise.


  1. Yet another informative post, Larry. We do our best to warn people of the dangers of proton pump inhibitors, but it truly is an uphill battle. The information on acceptable cholesterol levels being lowered every year is also fascinating - definitely something to do some more research on!

    Thank you for continuing to spread the healthy word.

    Caleb Treeze Organic Farm

  2. Acid reflux can be caused by too much acid. That's not always the case, but in my case they took a look with a camera before prescribing a PPI. I had heartburn daily, several times per day, and it induced gagging/vomiting. I have one coffee, and a few green teas daily. I also drink about 80-96oz of RO water with minerals added daily. No juices, no pop, nothing like that. I previously tried supplementing with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and similar home remedies. I need the PPI.

  3. While anything is possible, I stand by the conclusion that acid reflux is caused by insufficient acid and that PPIs are dangerous if used to excess. The drug maker itself warns against using their products for more than a couple of weeks.

    People who believe they MUST use one of these drugs should remain in close contact with a doctor who will test for various minerals - especially magnesium. There is a risk of bone loss and hypomagnesemia that could have a powerfully negative effect on muscle. The heart is a big muscle that should be watched carefully. No, more drugs should not be needed to correct any bone or muscle problems. The key is to make sure levels remain normal and supplement as needed - with magnesium, not a drug.

  4. I had a health issue for over a year and the dr. said I needed to take prgesterone until I could have a hysterectomy.....I went to the health food store they gave me dong quai and after 2 months I no longer had the issue. Progesterone side effects were debilitating....dong quai had none. I no longer need surgery and my anemia is now under control. Natural remedies are awesome. Treat my asthma with natural solutions as well.
