Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Avoid the Flu!

The FLU is present at all times in all places. It is one or more virus organisms that are continuously mutating. We are exposed to some really bad ones all the time, yet rarely feel their effects. Once in awhile a weak one will knock us down, but we usually get up again. I do not think that there is some kind of malicious super bug "out there" that is trying to get us. Therefore, I suggest common sense to avoid getting sick.
  • Wash hands regularly - especially if you come in contact with other people.
  • Wash bed linens weekly
  • Keep the toothbrush clean - rinse daily with peroxide
  • Avoid crowds
  • Avoid hospitals and doctors' offices
  • Clean all food (produce mostly) that may havfe been touched by another person - or sneezed on.
  • Use a good probiotic once or twice daily (empty stomach, clean water)
  • Drink PLENTY of water
  • Get enough rest and sleep
  • Take at least 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily (I like Emergen-C)
  • Get sunshine and/or take 4,000 units of vitamin D3 every day
  • Exercise
  • Eat plenty of protein, but minimal red meat
  • Avoid all processed carbohydrates (especially any carb that is WHITE)
  • Eat well and avoid all "fast food"
  • Don't drink any sweetened drinks (no sodas)
  • Don't use artificial sweeteners

Monday, April 27, 2009

What Do I Do About Cholesterol at 210?

QUESTION: I am 59 years old, I am a teacher, 5' 04" tall and weigh about 136 pounds. I watch my diet, exercise twice a week, no smoking and very little drinking. My cholesterol level has been solid about 210 for the last year, the good and the bad cholesterols are high. My two daughters are vegetarians and I eat little meat. I do not want to cut meat completely because I have thalassemia and I have to watch the protein intake, my normal hemoglobin level is 10.5 In any event, it appears that the high cholesterol level may be genetic. What shall I do? any suggestions.

ANSWER: First, I have to point out that I have very little regard for the negative impact of cholesterol on health. I have concluded that low cholesterol is far more damaging to health than higher levels. It is very likely that elevated cholesterol is associated with disease, but it is completely unclear that it causes any problems. In my metaphorical world, using drugs to lower cholesterol is like believing that you have money in your checking account because you still have checks left in your checkbook.

Cholesterol is the substance made by our bodies from which all hormones are made. Artificially lowering cholesterol can therefore have a negative impact on any body system that depends on hormones.

There is nothing wrong with meat, per se. Over consumption is harmful;. Anyone who regularly consumes a 24 ounce steak is asking for all kinds of health troubles. Meat is an excellent source of protein. Pure vegetarians have a difficult task getting enough protein in their diet - and vegetable proptein is not always teh best (particularly bad is anything derived from soy). I eat meat - a little red, mostly chicken and fresh fish. I don't think vegetarian living is healthy.

Anyhow, regarding any advice I might offer. First, do what your medical providers are prescribing. I'd be that last person to suggest you disobey their advice. Personally, I wouldn't be overly excited about a cholesterol of 210. Not too many years ago the upper limit was set at 225. It's been creeping downward for years and now is near 199. Who really knows?

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Sometimes we all think we could use some help getting to sleep - and staying that way through the night. I have regularly recommended melatonin in small doses. It seems to work very well. It's inexpensive and available without a prescription. There aren't any side effects to speak of and it doesn't leave you feeling drugged the next morning.

Has modern drug science IMPROVED UPON real melatonin?


Monday, March 30, 2009

A Sexual Revelation - TESTOSTERONE

Here's a REVELATION! The people at Proctor and Gamble must have a direct line to God in Heaven. It seems they have learned one of the secrets of the universe - and they are willing to share it with us. It all starts with the following quote...

"When Viagra, the drug used to treat erectile dysfunction in men, was approved by the FDA, the issue of male potency lost its social taboo, but women still have difficulty discussion sexual function, says Simon. "Thirty percent to 50% of women who undergo hysterectomy report decreased sexual desire, and about half of women who undergo [removal of both ovaries] report a decrease in sexual function." Likewise, studies suggest that similar numbers of postmenopausal women also experience a significant decline in sexual function. "

The above is from http://my.webmd.com/content/Article/86/99108.htm

Read More. Click Here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I admit that I have visited tanning salons. I don't believe all the horror stories about the dangers of UV rays. Of course, when a person has highly sensitive skin - or gets too much sun too often - there is a potential for harm (long lasting harm). But, think about our history on this planet. People have been living in the sun for millenniums and very few get skin cancer. Sure, you might point to differences in pigmentation and make a claim that darker people are more resistant to UV damage, but that doesn't account for the light-skinned people who live and work in the sun and don't get skin cancer.

Here's more of the story about UV

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Can I DO About Vaccines??

QUESTION: I'm expecting my first child in July and had been doing some reading on this. I'm thrilled to find someone with firsthand knowledge. I was wondering if you knew of any good references on vaccines, another issue which I have naturally become very thoughtful about.

Use this link to read the rest of this entry

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, March 16, 2009

Is it REALLY Bioidentical?

Question from a visitor: I was told by my doctor that the cortisone acetate prescribed for me and filled in a compounding pharmacy was bioidentical? Is this true? Why am I not finding much info on \"bioidentical cortisol\"?

Answer from Larry Frieders: You also wouldn't find much information about "bioidentical insulin". The reason is that cortisol is what it is, a naturally occurring glucocorticoid. It is also sometimes referred to as cortisol or hydrocortisone. The acetate means that it is a salt of the base material, cortisone. It's activity is that of the naturally occurring hormone.

Bioidentical means that the chemical structure of a substance is the same as that of one that occurs naturally, regardless of its source or how it was manipulated in a laboratory. It is the final product that matters. I must point out here that the word, "bioidentical", has no official status in medicine. In fact, some people in positions of authority refuse to use the term at all. That's their prerogative.

In the real world, cortisone, cortisone acetate, cortisol, and hydrocortisone mean practically the same thing. The truly synthetic substances are drugs such as prednisone, prednisolone, medroxyprogesterone, fludrocortisone, etc.

Being classified as bioidentical does not automatically mean that it is better, just that it is chemically identical to the substance made in nature. It also does not mean safer or non-toxic. There are many naturally occurring substances that are far from safe, and are so toxic that a tiny amount can kill.

In the realm of hormones I find that the bioidentical versions make more sense to use - just because they are identical what we have always had and they readily available. I also think using a human hormone is superior to using one from a horse. But, that's a topic for another post.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Safe Drug Disposal

The official U.S. Government document about disposing of prescription drugs is just "ok". While following the guidelines MIGHT help keep some prescription drugs out of the hands of those who want to abuse them, it does NOTHING to keep those same drugs out of our drinking water. In the long run this is REALLY an environmental issue, not a drug abuse situation. Still, it is well worth considering.


Monday, March 02, 2009

Progesterone/Estradiol Ratio

 QUESTION: I was reading your comments on the estrogen progesterone ratio & how important it is.  How is this ratio figured, i.e. what is divided into what & what is a good ratio for a women who has gone through menopause but is taking the natural hormone replacement?

 ANSWER: This is an excellent question. The answer is longer than I'd like to enter on the blog. Click this link to read the whole story.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Do you know how to catch wild pigs?

You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat; you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.

One should always remember: There is no such thing as a free lunch! Also, a politician will never provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.

I received this from Tim Schmidt
USCCA - Owner / Founder    http://www.usconcealedcarry.com/
NOTE: Concealed Carry is ILLEGAL in Illinois - and Wisconsin. I abide by the law. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get the criminals to do the same. It seems they have some sort of "special" right that I don't have. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Favorite Bed Warmer

I avoid electric blankets whenever possible. Yes, I am aware that "studies" have shown that I have nothing to fear from electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Still, combining what I understand about electricity and magnets, I have decided to ignore articles  that proclaim them safe  and depend, instead, on my own experiences. You see, not many years ago we used an electric blanket. I complained often of aches and pains. We thought that the blanket could be the culprit. We took it off the bed and within just a couple of days the aches were gone. That's enough proof for me.

I still like the warmth of a heated bed so we turned to a hot water bottle - two of them in fact. Pat has one on her side and I have one on mine. Whjen used properly those little bottles are STILL WARM in the morning. It's a rare night that I don't fill the bottles with hot tap water and place them in the bed about 15 minutes before crawling in.

I highly recommend hot water bottles. They are inexpensive and last for years. I recently purchased two new ones. They're made by a firm in Germany and they're clear, a departure from the standard pink ones. They cost a little more, but they look like they will last for a long time to come.


The official U.S. Government document about disposing of prescription drugs is just "ok". While following the guidelines MIGHT help keep prescription drugs out of the hands of those who could abuse them, it does NOTHING to keep those same drugs out of our drinking water.

In the long run this is REALLY an environmental issue, not a drug abuse situation.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Are You Made Of?

The cells in your body - the ones that you can call your own - number about ONE HUNDRED TRILLION. That's a lot of cells. And, there's a like number of guests IN and ON our bodies. Those numbers are a lot more than I can even imagine. Still, it is factual and something to at least consider when trying to attain the best health.

CLICK on the TITLE above to read the entire article.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I've Had Enough of the Flying Nun

I am convinced that Sally Fields - the Flying Nun of the 1960s TV show - is doing vast amounts of harm by being the spokesperson for the drug, Boniva. This is a drug that is supposed to be helpful to women who have osteoporosis. Even if it actually accomplished this feat - and there are doubts that it does - I think women need to take a serious look at the negative aspects of using Boniva - or any of the drugs referred to as bisphosphonates.
