Yasmin, YAZ, and Yasminelle all contain a progestin that is implicated in an incidence of venous thromboembolism that is 240% greater than birth control pills that contain a different progestin. This isn't the only possible side effect from oral contraceptives. If you use these drugs be sure to ask your pharmacist for information about side effects. And, then follow the suggestions for using supplements and not smoking cigarettes.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Just wash your hands - can the gels.
Furthermore, the almost-manic desire to slather "sanitizers" on our hands must stop - for the SAME REASONS the FDA is issuing this warning. They don't work as we think they do. They also dry the skin and leave the door open for other resistant organisms. Washing with a mild soap, in cool water, is still the best way to stay clean and sanitary.
Have people just stopped looking?
Statistics are dangerous. Fewer claims might be a good sign. It could also reflect that a lot of job seekers have stopped seeking.
Really? Pesticides can harm babies?
I have to presume this is true. In fact, it seems so obvious that toxic chemicals would have negative impact on developing babies. I'll put aside, for now, that IQ testing is still not a completely reliable measure of one's mental capacity or capability. However, a seven point decline in the accumulated results is large - greater than 10%. This deserves attention and action. Sad, isn't it, that it is socially acceptable to favor a green lawn and a truck of produce over the well-being of our unborn. That really isn't so uncommon, is it?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
We really have lost our way.
What can possibly bring us back when our "leaders" believe Wiffle Ball is a hazardous activity? "Nanny State" is far too soft a phrase for this kind of insanity.
Monday, April 18, 2011
I Just LOVE These Kinds of Stories...
... because they assume the readers are ignorant or naive. Are the fines actually a penalty to the tobacco company? Truth be told, however, 100% of the cost of the payments AND the overhead to manage them - is paid by the consumer.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
White Milk - if your kids MUST drink it.
The final verdict is still out on milk - as it is on just about every health issue. Jamie Oliver makes an excellent point about flavored milk - ADDED SUGAR. Buy regular white milk from dairies that don't use hormones. Avoid the low fat versions. And, don't add syrup or powders that add sugar. BTW, the verdict IS in on sugar use.
Is anybody REALLY Surprised?
I have concluded that EVERYONE is estrogen dominant. It can be controlled, however. Sadly, few people take the time. True, we shouldn't have to work at lowering estrogen activity, but it is what it is.
Friday, April 08, 2011
Not JUST for bald guys
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Not just for horny young men
I am not able to attest to the accuracy of most of the health claims in this article, especially those concerning the immune system or detoxification. I will state, however, that "going cold" has made a difference in how I feel after my shower - and throughout the day. There is more vigor in my step and my skin feels taught and smooth.
Nothing New - SOS Discovered AGAIN
Compounding pharmacists MADE progesterone suppositories, then progesterone cream, then progesterone injection. Recently, a commercial version of the injection hit the market - amidst much discussion about cost. Now we read that a vaginal gel reduces preterm births.
Please note the common element, PROGESTERONE, is not new. The other discussion is about HOW to deliver it. And, that isn't new either.
The "take away" message is; progesterone IS effective at reducing preterm births.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Dr. Al Sears is a respected medical authority. He begins this comprehensive article with,"I’m not going to feel apologetic for being a man in our modern politically correct culture. Just because I’m a man doesn’t mean I’ve caused all the world wars, and testosterone is not the cause of every evil."
Soy foods may prevent breast cancer recurrence, lessen mortality risk.
There is one word that is common to every headline. The word is *MAY*, which is a passive, ancillary verb used to “express possibility” or “to express a wish”. It is sometimes used in place of “might” and has a strong element of “maybe”.
What does this tell you about the study or it’s findings? For me, it suggests more than merely reporting the possibility. I read the headlines with that word as an expression of a wish - to influence instead of reporting.
It seems the headline is mentioning a possible action - one that is contrary to scientific studies showing just the opposite. Does someone WISH soy w http://bit.ly/gT8lDT
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Big Deal!
THEY lowered their price from $15,000.00 to $6,900.00. Most people will end up paying $6,900.00 for something we've been selling for $150 for over a decade. But, few will care because "the insurance company will pay for it". It's comforting to know those companies are so good hearted.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Another Miracle Gift from Bees?
Here's another story about some doctors who had an "idea" about using a substance made by honey bees to improve pregnancy rates for women whose infertility was associated with econometrics. I think it's fascinating that there are people out there who observe a variety phenomena and make connections in their minds.
Friday, April 01, 2011
A nation of TAKERS instead of MAKERS?
I heard Don Wade read this article on WLS radio this morning - actually sat in my car until he finished. This is a very powerful presentation and worthy of our attention. If the analysis is correct, it seems to explain all of the financial issues we're having. The "making" sector is outnumbered by, and supporting the "taking" sector. How can we resolve this?
Brilliant Marketing Idea
Hers' a plan that will make all online marketers GAZILLIONS of dollars. Let me know if you want to be one of the few who will be allowed to invest.