Wednesday, April 06, 2011

I received a report from a respected medical organization today. It lists 18 stories that are related to health. Half of them about political or payment issues. The remaining were about drugs or treatments. One word is common to every one of these. Here's one example from today's report:

Soy foods may prevent breast cancer recurrence, lessen mortality risk.

There is one word that is common to every headline. The word is *MAY*, which is a passive, ancillary verb used to “express possibility” or “to express a wish”. It is sometimes used in place of “might” and has a strong element of “maybe”.

What does this tell you about the study or it’s findings? For me, it suggests more than merely reporting the possibility. I read the headlines with that word as an expression of a wish - to influence instead of reporting.

It seems the headline is mentioning a possible action - one that is contrary to scientific studies showing just the opposite. Does someone WISH soy w

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