Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Red Yeast Rice might be worth it IF...

... you are convinced that low cholesterol is healthy. Since there is scant evidence that high cholesterol causes health problems, using any drug to lower cholesterol is a prescription for disaster - even when the drug is hidden in a natural substance. Red Yeast Rice - when it works - is actually a statin. It's probably weaker than one of the commercial drug products, but it can still have the same effect - artificially lowering cholesterol. That isn't necessarily a good thing.

Personally, I am not interested in using a drug to change my cholesterol levels. I'll live and eat well and let the levels be what they will. \ If you want to play around with your levels, you'd probably be better off using a drug that's standardized instead of a non-prescription product that may or may not contain the drug you want.

Also note that Red Yeast Rice products that don't have any statin components are likely to be the safest.

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