Thursday, May 19, 2011

Should we treat health problems instead of test results?

In an 18-year study of 78,216 women, those randomly assigned to be screened for ovarian cancer died at the same rate as women who weren't - and 3,300 (4.2%) of them had unnecessary surgeries - and 166 of them had surgical complications. This is huge - especially if you're one of them.

Most of us believe in the benefits of testing and screening. Yet, the actual statistics often tell a different story. How many of us agonize after receiving "bad" news after a test? How many of us act in response to the test results? When it comes to ovarian cancer 3,300 women faced the agonizing questions and acted without a legitimate reason.

I suspect that thousands of other women experience the anxiety caused by the belief that mammograms are "life-saving". And, don't forget the men who go under the knife after a PSA reading.

A disaster in health care is the overwhelming body of beliefs that control the system, but are proving to be false.When will we return to the time when doctors treated problems instead of test results?

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