Tuesday, July 19, 2011

This is a BOGUS report - 2nd hand smoke

N Engl J Med 1993; 329:437August 5, 1993

The Nicotine Content of Common Vegetables

There is a relationship between nicotine and cotinine, but it is NOT exclusively associated with cigarette smoke. Cigarettes can cause cotinine levels to rise, but so can other vegetable plants. The NEJM article reports the following sources of nicotine; cauliflower, potato peel, potato pulp, tomatoes

Edible members of the nightshade family that contain nicotine include eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes, and sweet peppers. Several other plants produce naturally-occurring nicotine. Celery, papaya, jimsonweed, and milkweed are other common species that produce nicotine throughout the plant. Plants with nicotine-bearing leaves include the English walnut, the coca plant, the belladonna, and the corkwood tree.

Can the researcher state with certainty that the tested children were not exposed to other sources of nicotine?

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