Thursday, July 21, 2011

Too many mammograms.

Reports over the years have indicated that a mammogram can detect a breast tumor so tiny that it would be years (as many as 15) before it became palpable and a possible health risk. When discovered - regardless of when or how small - the common reaction is to induce fear into the woman and her friends/family. There may be suggestions for biopsies and treatment - with drugs and/or surgery.

There is no evidence that tiny tumors grow to dangerous sizes. It is an assumption based on beliefs and feelings, not evidence. Tumors come and go all the time. Our bodies are capable of dealing with them. Why remove a tiny tumor that might never grow larger? Think about it.

The earlier the doctors "discover" the tiniest possibility of a tumor, the sooner they can begin unraveling a woman's life. I wouldn't be surprised if someday the brains decide that mammograms are to be offered to all women, starting in their teen years. That would scare more people and induce more treatments.

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