Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Plenty of Food for Thought

Seriously consider subscribing to George's blog. He offers insights into the world on many important levels. Like many of us, he doesn't have all the answers and he surely doesn't even hint that he has some of them. What George offers is something to fuel our thoughts.

Am I being manipulated by my doctor?

It is probably subtle, but the effects are unmistakable. There is no way I could ever hold a bad thought about a doctor who dragged me back from the brink of destruction. How about you?

Monday, November 28, 2011

The NIH says you should TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR

Seems the NIH "experts" have a difficulty describing how a person should use Ambien (zolpidem). One thing is for certain. Here's a summary of the NIH article;

Don't take it for more than two weeks. If you want to take it for more than 2 weeks, talk to your doctor. If you take it for more than 2 weeks, talk to your doctor.

How about this advice? If you want to be healthy, not addicted to zolpidem, and not dependant on drugs to MAKE you sleep, don't talk to your doctor.

Yes and no.

I first heard about using black pepper on small cuts on a bulletin board for wood carvers. They are often experts in accidentally cutting themselves.

It turns out that black pepper is only one of many such home remedies for bleeding.

I’ve also seen recommendations of flour, cayenne pepper powder, ground coffee, and corn starch. This leads me to believe that it’s not the particular substance but rather that the substance is powdered. The powder clots the blood on the surface, which would be enough to stop the bleeding on a minor cut.

BTW...I nicked my ear shaving. Wouldn't stop bleeding until I applied ground black pepper and a bandage. All was well within a few minutes.

Of course, don't be silly. A serious injury requires medical attention rather than a home remedy.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

'tis the season for some CHOCOLATE?

Just don't confuse real chocolate with milk chocolate (a lot of sugar and scant cocoa) or white chocolate (sugar but no cocoa). Those versions will push your body into places you really don't want it to go. Look for chocolates that are 60% to 70% cocoa.

WHERE Merck Get the Money?

Like every company, Merck doesn't have any money that it didn't get from the sales of its products. Therefore, this whopping "settlement" of $950 million was nothing more than a redistribution of the money people paid to use the Merck drugs. Nobody at Merck suffers even a dime's worth of loss when "the company" is fined. I think it is important to keep this concept in mind whenever we hear that some big company - or group of companies - makes a large payout. Think, cigarette companies.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Disagree, George

I don't think we have the right president, the right congress, the right news media, the right governor, or the right state legislature. They all seem terribly out of touch with the problems - and they are surely give me any confidence that they might be capable of solutions.

I have some ideas on HOW we got into such a mess, but I am at a loss for any quick solutions.

Any "problems" between Nopalea and Effexor?

Probably not. Of course, there's no absolute guarantee, but the cactus juice seems harmless. You probably already know that I have far more reservations about drugs (Effexor), but that isn't the question. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dr. Jonathan Wright Is A Disappointment.

Okay, Dr. Wright, you've entertained your readers with a rant about using too many antibiotics. That's old news. How about some specific recommendations? Yes, you mentioned "questioning the doctor" and how we "...don’t have to fill every prescription [we're] handed". But, what do you mean? What questions - and what should we DO with the answers? How do we decide which prescriptions to have filled and which ones to toss?

I agree 100% with your position on antibiotics. Many of us do. I want more from you - and so do all the people who look to you for guidance.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Otherwise healthy girl in a "waking coma"

Here again I'm forced to ponder the wisdom of injecting a vaccine into a child with the intent of preventing a virus infection that might cause cervical cancer.

So, you want to be THE BEST. Why?

Seth Godin hits the nail on the head -as he does about 98% of the time.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


“I pick up garbage [for a living], and these were some of the worst smells I’ve ever experienced,’’

Am I taking too much of my hormones?

In general, I have determined that people who use estrogen supplements are probably using too much. Even tiny doses are unnecessary. I'll probably be accused of blasphemy by all teh doctors and pharmacists who are "experts" in anti-aging and hormone replacement therapy. I must note here that I do not object to progesterone, ore even testosterone. Just estrogens.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Hardships of Quitting Cheese

Nick Swardson is a comedian. That's why this short article is amusing . More importantly, the story bears a message. It is that food - even the most common ones - can make us ill. Read Nick's article. think about it. Share it - PLEASE SHARE IT.

This makes sense.

I would never suggest that being sick is a good thing. It's always a miserable experience for the child, the parents, and for anyone in the vicinity. Still, it is good to know that something positive can come from it all. It supports the old saying, "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger". Early childhood disease seems to make for a stronger child in the school setting.

Monday, November 14, 2011

This make me ill.

"The recommendations were greeted positively by many cardiologists and pediatricians, who say that earlier testing is warranted, especially in the face of increasing childhood obesity and diabetes. "

Instead of LOOKING for reasons to start treating more people with drugs, why aren't we engaging in changing the things that cause obesity, diabetes, and heart disease? We already know what they are and more drugs, surgery, or radiation aren't going to help. Changing behavior will.

Don't tell me how difficult it is to make kids eat right and exercise. Yes, popping a pill is easier, but where has that strategy gotten us?

Admit it. If we continue to do what we've always done, we'll continue to get more of what we already have. There aren't any drugs that will help. Never have been and never will be.

Accidents happen, but...

Yes, this happened in Ireland, but from my perspective, it could be anywhere in the world, even in the United States. Accidents happen and sometimes they're sad. The most damning part of this case is what the mother said about the incident, "No one came near us. Sam was getting more and more upset, crying and screaming, but no one in the hospital came back to us."

I am saddened by the heartless attitude this comment portrays. In a better world, the hospital staff would have been "all over the frightened child" and would have been doing everything to comfort the distraught parents.

I miss that kind of medicine.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Loss of Libido = THE PILL.

Ironic, isn't it?

Gloves are no guarantee your doctor's hands are clean.

Fixating on gloves might not be a productive action. Heck, practically everything about a hospital, a clinic, an exam room, the doctor, or any of the staff is likely to be massively infested with germs. How often do the men have their ties cleaned? I'm 65 and have never cleaned a tie in my life - and I have some that are more than 10 years old. What about those lab coats? They look white, but. How about the stethoscope? Was it sanitized after being pressed to that last person's chest? I could go on, but you probably get the picture. Instead of worrying about gloves, do more to keep yourself healthy and away from doctors, hospitals, and the like.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Can you name your three top mentors?

I was asked this during a radio interview and it only took a few seconds to think of my top three. I put it to writing. Call your own mentors to mind and be conscious of how they molded your life.

Could Soda Pop Machines Return to Schools?

Seems to suggest that the students are going to gorge on sugar products whether they are in the school or not. So, why not take advantage of their insatiable appetite and make a few bucks selling sugary products in the halls?

This is shoddy logic, but I wouldn't be surprised to see vending machines making a comeback in the schools.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Ten Immune System Boosters.

If you have decided to forgo a flu shot, you will certainly want to consider these ten approaches to a stronger immune system. Heck, consider these in any event.

Hormone Imbalance = Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance is common and it is not related to too much estrogen. Instead, it is caused by chemicals that exert action in the body similar to estrogens. The common causes of estrogen dominance include: (1) taking the pill, (2) taking Hormone Replacement Therapy, (3) exposure to environmental poison, (4) eating non organic and estrogen pumped animal products, (5) stress in all its forms, and (6) dangerous cosmetics.

Read this article to get the full details.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Global Warming. What to do?

George is a friend, and a great writer. His blog is certainly worth reading. He even allows me to make comments. Thanks, George.

This is a load of manure - ignore these reports.

It seems that everyone is playing with the "data" collected in the Nurses' Health Study. Yes, hundreds of thousands of people were subjects in that study and there were some significant findinigs. Sadly, huge amounts of the data were generated by self reporting. That means that the participants told the investigators their perception of their actions. This is a wildly inaccurate form of data collection and it is inappropriate and unwise to use it, especially when you are evaluating rare events within the sample. Why?

First, the "data" is unreliable. Quickly, can you tell me how many ounces of alcohol you consumed each week for the past month? Do you know how much alcohol is in a glass of wine or a bottle of beer? Even, how much alcohol is in an ounce or whiskey or vodka? No, unless you are well versed in percentages and the concept of proof, you won't know those numbers. Therefore, you are only going to report the number of drinks, glasses of wine, or number of beers. The investigators will convert to ounces of alcohol.

Maybe that's good until I ask you to accurately report how many glasses of wine, martinis, or beers you drank per week during the previous month. Heck, I can't even tell you what I had for lunch last Saturday let alone describe the number of drinks I might have consumed.

Perhaps the numbers work to the advantage of the bean counters who were playing with the "data" (not real data, btw). So what? The reported risk is 333 per 100,000 years, or 0.0033 per year, or 0.167 per 50 years. It may be mathematically significant, but who can honestly worry about risks that are so tiny? Maybe the researchers, but not me.

My BIG Peroxide Article from way back in 2010

Hydrogen Peroxide, 3%

Available without a prescription (still!)

Many uses.


What do you think?

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

My Top Three WORST Drugs

Too Many People Take Too Many Drugs. It has to stop. Of all the dangerous drugs on the market, there are three (categories) that I think are the worst. Take a look. Also, don't miss the "comment" section.

My Top Three Worst Drugs

Too Many People Take Too Many Drugs. It has to stop. Of all the dangerous drugs on the market, there are three (categories) that I think are the worst. Take a look. Also, don't miss the "comment" section.