Thursday, December 22, 2011

Where ARE the Journalists?

"The hard part of professional journalism going forward is writing about what hasn't been written about, directing attention where it hasn't been, and saying something new."

Magic Mouthwash

One of the most popular page on our website - several hundred visitors each month - is about a compounded preparation that we refer to as Magic Mouthwash. Actually, there are many versions and variations. It is a preparation used to relieve pain and discomfort associated with mouth sores (stomatitis). Our page explains the differences and similarities.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A LOT of time on their hands in the UK?

I read this report that explained how "Higher body mass index (BMI), previous knee injury, and radiographically confirmed osteoarthritis (OA) are predictors of persistent knee pain in women 50 years and older..." Is this earth shattering NEWS?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Painful Breast Lumps PROBABLY aren't Serious

The first thing that comes to mind when a woman discovers painful lumps on her breasts is the BIG C. Thankfully, that usually isn't the case, especially when the woman is young. It is a common condition - not a disease - that is referred to as Fibrocystic Breast - actually means lumps in the breast. Instead of fear, biopsies, and testing, some doctors get excellent results with iodine and progesterone. Read more on my website.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Fix YOUR house before working on MINE

Brian Caputo says the city currently pays $.07733 per kw-hour. Com Ed confirmed that the rates on the west side of Aurora are $.06968 for residential and $.07014 for commercial. Should the city should FIRST demonstrate that it can negotiate a better rate for itself before it begins to work on my behalf?

It is important to KNOW that the savings are on the cost of the electricity, NOT the franchise fees, taxes, or any of the other fees tacked on to the bill.

More on the BPA issue.

If you absolutely must heat your food in a microwave machine, never, ever use plastic wraps or containers. The charged microwaves will drive toxic chemicals (and BPA) from the plastic and INTO your food.

What about those heat-and-serve containers, the black ones in which many frozen foods are delivered? Nope! They contain plastic.

What are your thoughts on BPA and canned foods?

Endocrine disruptor (BPA) from the lining of soup cans shows up in urine of test subjects. Whether its "harmful", "possibly harmful", or even "possibly safe", I would prefer bisphenol A NOT be in my food. I do my best to avoid canned soup - canned anything, actually. I'm certainly not 100% successful, but I think I do better than most.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

No, NOT Lemonade

Here's a simple method for improving health. Place a wedge of lemon (about an eighth) in a cup of hot water. No sweetener. No mint. No ice cubes. This article offers ten good reasons to do this. I've done this in the past and just "got out of the habit". I'm starting again in the morning.

Vitamin D3 shown to REDUCE flu by 50%

Here's a PubMed abstract about the effects of Vitamin D3 in preventing the flu. Yes, geeks like me read the abstract and the studies, but that isn't necessary. If you don't have the time or inclination check out the details for yourself, trust me when I say that Vitamin D3 supplements can be very effective in reducing the incidence of flu. A wise person will take extra Vitamin D3 during the cold/flu season - and get plenty of sunshine during the rest of the year.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Surgery can't CURE cancer.

This is a surgeon explaining how she uses special fluorescent materials to assure that she gets ALL of the cancer when she operates. She actually uses the word, "cure". Her basic health philosophy informs her that cancer is a unique set of cells that she can excise completely and bring about her cures. Sadly, the tumor isn't the cancer. It is merely the result of a cancer. Yes, she surgically removes all of the material, but she's still a long way from being able to claim a cure. Surgery, chemo, and radiation MIGHT help, but they will never cure.

One way to save BIG BUCKS - there are more.

SUMMARY: "The Obama administration proposes trimming $248 billion over 10 years from Medicare alone. Yet if fraudulent losses could be reduced by just a few percentage points, the issue becomes moot--and the medical support that tens of millions of Americans rely upon could continue uninterrupted.\ ... If only 10% is lost to fraud... that's $80 billion a year--... if it's 20% or 30%? [that's] $200 billion over 10 years. [We] wouldn't need to cut reimbursement rates for providers. [We] wouldn't need to restrict insurance coverage. [We] wouldn't have to increase deductibles."

I know of several OTHER ways to save. Sadly, nobody is interested.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Prostate Cancer Options

"almost 90% of men told they have prostate cancer opt for immediate treatment with surgery or radiation therapy"

For most of my career I've agreed with the standard approach to cancer diagnoses. Except for rare instances, watching and waiting are superior approaches. This is particularly true when it comes to prostate cancer. However, as the quote above suggests, that old wisdom is mostly ignored in modern America. We seem to all be enthralled with the idea that we can have things fixed, quickly, and that all will be well as soon as the job is done (or the drugs taken, or the radiation focused). Surprise! While one problem might go away (or be cut away), it is highly likely that other problems will arise, which might also require attention - and more action. Then, it seems to all go downhill from there.

It is important to keep in mind that all of us have cancerous cells most of the time. Our body destroys them as they arise - until our immune system is compromised. The focus probably ought to be on keeping the immune system healthy and potent, not cutting, burning, or poisoning.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

This report is BULL.

"Nearly 40% of women who experience depression in the 12 months after childbirth also suffer from intimate partner violence, according to a study in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology." Don't researchers have anything else to do, but invent a new diagnosis and place blame someplace it doesn't belong?

Post-Partum Depression (Baby Blues) is often associated with hormone imbalance after giving birth. Mom goes from a place of extremely high hormone levels to very low levels. Low progesterone is particularly problematic with mood. We have seen many women "turn around on a dime" when they used progesterone supplements after having a baby.

And I am particularly concerned about the harm that can be done when people in authority make up titles like, "intimate partner violence". What comes first, the violence or the depression? Is it at all possible for an "intimate partner" to be pushed to the end of his/her rope because of the way his/her partner is acting? Of course it is. Baby Blues is treatable and it does NOT require antidepressants. Just a responsible amount of supplemental progesterone - the important hormone that is low after birth.

More Speed Drugs for Our Children!

Here's a key bit of good advice from a basically depressing report, "Kids who eat better, behave better.?

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

These probably apply to ALL Cancers. Agree?

unnecessary ionizing radiation


oral contraceptives,

estrogen-progesterone hormone replacement therapy


eating right

lack of exercise

excess alcohol

exposure to benzene, 1.3-butadiene, and ethylene oxide

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Who NEEDS Estrogen?

Here's a key line in this post, "only a tiny number of people ever need additional estrogen." Would you agree?