Monday, December 12, 2011

Prostate Cancer Options

"almost 90% of men told they have prostate cancer opt for immediate treatment with surgery or radiation therapy"

For most of my career I've agreed with the standard approach to cancer diagnoses. Except for rare instances, watching and waiting are superior approaches. This is particularly true when it comes to prostate cancer. However, as the quote above suggests, that old wisdom is mostly ignored in modern America. We seem to all be enthralled with the idea that we can have things fixed, quickly, and that all will be well as soon as the job is done (or the drugs taken, or the radiation focused). Surprise! While one problem might go away (or be cut away), it is highly likely that other problems will arise, which might also require attention - and more action. Then, it seems to all go downhill from there.

It is important to keep in mind that all of us have cancerous cells most of the time. Our body destroys them as they arise - until our immune system is compromised. The focus probably ought to be on keeping the immune system healthy and potent, not cutting, burning, or poisoning.

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