Thursday, December 08, 2011

This report is BULL.

"Nearly 40% of women who experience depression in the 12 months after childbirth also suffer from intimate partner violence, according to a study in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology." Don't researchers have anything else to do, but invent a new diagnosis and place blame someplace it doesn't belong?

Post-Partum Depression (Baby Blues) is often associated with hormone imbalance after giving birth. Mom goes from a place of extremely high hormone levels to very low levels. Low progesterone is particularly problematic with mood. We have seen many women "turn around on a dime" when they used progesterone supplements after having a baby.

And I am particularly concerned about the harm that can be done when people in authority make up titles like, "intimate partner violence". What comes first, the violence or the depression? Is it at all possible for an "intimate partner" to be pushed to the end of his/her rope because of the way his/her partner is acting? Of course it is. Baby Blues is treatable and it does NOT require antidepressants. Just a responsible amount of supplemental progesterone - the important hormone that is low after birth.

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