Thursday, March 17, 2011

Difference between Living and NOT DYING?

On the one hand, I may be "all wet" when I complain about too many drugs, side effects, harmful surgeries, and radiation damage. This report suggest that all those dastardly "things" are possibly responsible for a greater life expectancy.

Three points to ponder.

(1) is it possible that healthier "living" and better living conditions set things up such that we are able to survive a little longer even when assaulted by drugs, chemicals, surgeries, and radiation?

(2) is an increase of 0.2 years (73 days) significant - it's a 0.25% increase)?

(3) is a few extra days of "not dying" really the same as living - especially if you're in pain, unconscious, on life support, or completely unaware of who you are?

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