Friday, March 11, 2011

I don't believe this.

In a discussion about the *POSSIBLE* effects of anesthesia on children's brains, a doctor stated, “We don’t know what this means for children at this time,” Dr. Rappaport said, adding, “That’s exactly why it’s so critical that we get all of the necessary information.”

How on earth can a "doctor" in the 21st century make such a naive statement? Isn't it intuitively obvious that potent brain drugs would probably cause some damage? I would have expected that surgeons and anesthesiologists were warning patient's about this for decades.

Hells bells, we are warned that even one exposure to second hand smoke may cause harm and that small amounts alcohol is dangerous to babies. They should have also been warning us about the likely effects of anesthetics. Am I the only one upset by this report?

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