Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Kidney Stone HELP!
Elevated uric acid levels suggest an increased potential for stones and gout. At body temperatures, purines are converted to uric acid and its salts. The salts are not very soluble and have a tendency to build up in various parts of the body.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Vermin in the basement
It is very common for all of us to look to stronger treatments when the old ones no longer work. There's a better approach.
Is it approved by the FDA?
That's a common question, but does it always mean that the product is good or safe? In this case, an FDA approved pain reliever is on the market, but the actual contents of the bottle may not match the label. It gets worse! On the same day, the FDA announced that a similar pain product - approved by our FDA - might actually have a different pain drug in the bottle. That story is here,
Who the heck is in charge?
Monday, June 27, 2011
Zero is the upper limit.
I claim it is impossible to define intensive-dose statin therapy. Regardless of which dose of a drug is deemed excessive, there will always be someone who doesn't respond as expected. No matter where they set the official limit, there will always be people who are harmed by that dose. When it comes to statin drugs, the upper limit should be zero.
.... Is it possible that someone has intentionally switched the descriptions and titles to confuse the public.? Is it a plot to sell more drugs, surgeries, and radiation?
.... I think its about time we started calling things by their correct descriptive names. What do you think?
Government to SPY on Doctors?
.... In the name of Universal Health Care.
.... Chip, chip, chip. A little liberty lost here and a little more over there. Our Liberty fortress continues to be torn down, one piece at a time.
.... Other mandated losses in liberty; smoking, seat belts, air bags, x-ray exams, pat downs, and you can add to the list.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
People who warned against FLUORIDATION used to be ridiculed, but guess what? In Scandinavia, in fact all of Europe, and nearly every other medically advanced nation, they have now banned the practice.
Know why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum . And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. (Hmm... Maybe our health authorities have been drinking too much water?)
FROM: William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
Friday, June 24, 2011
All things in moderation.
.... I suspect that we’ll soon see another study that warns us about yet another disaster-in-the-making if we drink coffee. I think studies like this are encouraging on many fronts. However, I don’t plan to stave off Alzheimer’s by downing 4 to 5 cups of coffee per day. I’d float away, get buzzed, and go broke – all at the same time.
.... I'm currently debating with myself about getting a Kreurig coffee maker. One issue is that I need TWO - office and home. Need is a key word - I might want the machines, but I'm trying to determine if I really need them.
Hospitals. Dirty places to die.
.... Another, more apropos title might be, "Why you should never go to a hospital - ever - unless you've been hit by a Mack truck and even then get the heck out of there as soon as you can".
Cocoa extracts may benefit cholesterol levels: Study
.... Don't get too excited. Most commercial cocoa products are laced with sugars and/or artificial sweeteners. You might even find some with evil soy. Egads.
.... The cocoa may be a wonderful agent, but the other additives surely aren't.
.... In a similar vein, 70% dark chocolate is reported to be healthy. Mixing it with milk and sugar makes it taste more familiar, but destroys most of the benefits you'd receive from the polyphenols.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
FDA Approves New Drug for Chronic Anal Fissure Pain
.... Compounding pharmacists have been successfully making this preparation for decades - with great results. In fact, a preparation of 0.2% is effective and probably presents fewer side effects. I wonder why a Japanese drug maker wants to sell this stronger version in the U.S.
.... One thing I know for sure is that this *NEW* product will sell for significantly more than what you'd pay your compounding pharmacy.
.... But, who cares about cost? The insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid will pay for it. They don't care what it costs, so why should the patient?
Each implant counts as TWO SURGERIES.
.... Breast implants are not lifetime devices. The longer a woman has silicone gel-filled breast implants, the more likely she is to experience complications.
.... One in 5 patients who received implants for breast augmentation will need them removed within 10 years of implantation.
.... For patients who received implants for breast reconstruction, as many as 1 in 2 will require removal 10 years after implantation.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Be good to your liver...
... and it will be good to you.
.... The top 10 signs of sluggish liver function are in this article.
.... Optimizing liver function boils down to 5 things listed in this article.
.... Read it. Print it. Follow the suggestions.
Pictures of what the world eats in a week.
The Dirty Dozen and The Clean 15
This is a valuable link. Just because we believe fruits and vegetables are naturally healthy doesn't men they are. Many items are covered with chemicals that can negate any health benefits we might get from eating them.
Statin drugs increase risk of diabetes
"...intensive-dose statin therapy was associated with an increased risk of new-onset diabetes compared with moderate-dose statin therapy."
This is useful information and it is particularly onerous because its being reported in JAMA - the Journal of the American Medical Association. It takes solid evidence for that publisher to offer information that speaks poorly of a drug.
Statins will lower your cholesterol. They will not make you healthy. They might kill you, though, regardless of whether you are involved in intensive or moderate doses. The only safe statin is the one not taken by a human.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Eat Your Berries!
.... Contrary to modern medical advice, good food has prevention and healing properties. EAT GOOD FOOD. How about berries?
.... They taste good - alone or mixed with any number of foods. I like them with cereal and mixed with Greek yogurt.
.... Isn't is wonderful that they're also powerfully healthy foods?
.... Don't be a glutton about berries. Eat modest portions once a day.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Migraine relief without drugs
.... Is it possible that simple natural substances can halt the pain of migraine? The article states, "It might offer an alternative to standard migraine medications, which are costly, have side effects and don't always work..."
.... I agree. This is definitely worth considering.
.... In addition, migraine sufferers should continue their search for their personal migraine triggers. It takes time but well worth the search.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
No! All sugars are NOT alike.
.... High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) has been repeatedly associated with numerous negative effects. This article explains how HFCS is associated with excessive arm pit sweating. It isn't a scientific study and it isn't published in some high caliber peer review medical journal. It is, however, worth reading and considering. If there is any truth to the information we should ask ourselves if this might not just be more evidence against HFCS.
.... If we eliminate HFCS, should we replace it with other sugars. No. Sugar and sweetness are addicting and thee is much evidence that sugar can cause cancer. In fact, one test for cancer (PET scan) actually uses radioactive sugar to highlight cancer cells in the body. Cancer cells love sugar. Let's decide to NOT FEED CANCER CELLS.
.... Sugar is bad. HFCS is worse.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Prescribed drug mishaps send millions to hospital
.... 4.5 million ambulatory visits each year are related to adverse drug events.
.... Regardless of what prescriptions your doctor thinks you need, its probably too many.
.... The referenced article gives advice for reducing the risk of adverse reactions. They're okay, but insufficient.
.... I suggest working with your doctor and pharmacist to STOP using unnecessary drugs. There are two categories of drugs that have no usefulness - and which are responsible for significant harm.
..... 1) Statins (cholesterol lowering drugs)
..... 2) PPIs (drugs that block stomach acid production
.... Of course, there are others. Stop these two, though, and I guarantee the number bad reactions will plummet.
Friday, June 10, 2011
One more chunk blown out of the dam
... Here's ANOTHER report about how the drugs used to treat something are also increasing the risk of getting something far worse. The headline at the Los Angles Times reads, "Drugs for benign prostate tumors increase the risk of aggressive cancers, FDA says".
... It seems that the number of reports like this are becoming more common. The reality is that no drug maker can test for all possible outcomes given the small samples they examine prior to launching their products. that means that the users - those who pay for the product and take it - are actually little more than lab rats.
... The reference to a DAM is a visualization I use when I consider how the whole realm of drug use (the dam itself) is beginning to fall apart, piece by piece. I expect that it won't be too long before the whole thing bursts.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Halleluia! There's a crack in the dam.
... The crack is small, but it is clearly visible.
...I have a THING for statin drugs - not a good thing. Of all the drugs on the market, these might well be the most dangerous, mainly because so many people take them - unnecessarily.
...The side effect profile of statins includes myopathy (weakened muscles), pain, and liver damage.
...Our FDA is acknowledging that there might be a dose relationship for these drugs. High amounts are showing increased bad side effects. We're not at a place where the officials will warn us against statins. They should and I predict that they will. It won't happen quickly, but over time. We will arrive at a place where we're not killing ourselves with statins.
Lisa Shives, M.D. understands sleep. This article also demonstrates that she KNOWS how to use sleep medicines - and how to stop them when they aren't helping. More doctors should follow Dr. Shives' lead. Sleep drugs are NOT harmless and they shouldn't be prescribed as often as they are.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Blinders on? Ready? Shoot the smokers!
...Let's think about how someone would ISOLATE second hand smoke from other potential triggers. "THEY" can't, but that doesn't stop them from trying.
...I suggest there are far more environmental toxins that can be associated with hypertension, and many of them could more easily explain the difference between boys and girls. I'm thinking of all the estrogenic substances in the environment. Sure, they are harmful to both male and female, but would it not seem reasonable that females would be slightly more accepting of estrogen excess than males? I think so.
...In time, though, the environmental toxins (estrogenic) would impact everyone - and they do. But in the teen years, the impact can readily be seen as more selective for one gender over the other.
...This is so aggravating that I think I'll take time off today to enjoy a good cigar.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Something in the water?
I can't imagine distributing pictures like Wiener did, let alone taking them in the first place. Can anyone explain to me why so many of us seem to be operating so irrationally? Maybe there really IS something in the water - at least in DC.
... It took people 45 to lose 10 pounds on a high-fat program and 70 days for those who exercised and followed a high-carbohydrate diet constructed. There were no negative consequences reported. However, the researchers warn about "what if" something happens 5 or 10 years down the line?
... Well, we KNOW what happens to people who live on high carbs and low fat. They're all around us. Just look.
...Maybe, just maybe, there is a healthy place for fats in our diet. Sad, though that the NEW FOOD PLATE from our government is not acknowledging it. Their "plate" is pretty, but so what? It's OFF BASE in more ways than one. However, I probably shouldn't complain. After all, The First Lady supports it. That must mean its good - for something - right?
Saturday, June 04, 2011
You get what you pay for
A free medical degree would be worth exactly what you pay for it. The next thing we'll hear is that there really shouldn't be the anxiety in medical schools that is caused by grades. Even pass/fail would be a problem. Just pass them all.
How would the system handle the relationship between free medical doctors and the other professions that would still have to pay for education? Maybe they'll come up with a free way to make new nurses, pharmacists, and all the rest of the professions that would be needed to support the free doctors.
This sounds an awful lot like the way the communists tried to make it work before it fell. Do you suppose it would work better the next time around?
Friday, June 03, 2011
A daily cup of health
Neither Dr Wright, nor I advocate gulping down pot after pot of coffee. However, like all good things, moderate consumption is usually harmless. When it comes to men and prostate cancer, moderate amounts of coffee might also be good.
Drugging Grandma and Grandpa - and our kids
This is frightening information, especially as it is being posted by a high ranking official in the OIG. Nursing homes are populated with the weak and helpless members of our communities and here we have evidence that they are being drugged into submission. Too many of us, however, fail to see the danger in this. We've become so complacent about drug use that we nonchalantly let people abuse our older family members. Of course, this must be stopped. On another level, the problem is even greater - WE use too darn many drugs ourselves - and we are even comfortable administering amphetamines to our children - to HELP THEM CONCENTRATE. What a bunch of bunk.
Let's stop and take stock of what we're doing and what we're becoming.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
I guess we're just too ignorant for simple food facts.
....Prior to the 1940s our government published charts and data on what we should eat. It seems we were capable of reading and understanding. Starting in the 1940s,they have been using simple pictures to tell us what to eat. It started as a wheel and changed to a mobile in the 50s, 60s, and 70's. That was replaced with a pyramid that was probably too simple because it was replaced with a more dramatic pyramid - dramatic in the sense of confusing and conflicted.
....The overlords have recognized that we were not doing well in the eating department. They probably looked at some studies (ones we probably paid for) and determined that the confusing modern pyramid wasn't clear enough. So, they made another picture. A PLATE, filled with pastel symbols. It's pretty and basic, but it doesn't tell us much. I wonder what's wrong with just doing what they did prior to the 1940s, publishing a guide that listed how we should eat?
....Wait! maybe they don't think we're smart enough to understand.
Hospitals are nasty places
I once worked in hospitals. It was a common understanding that new employees would be taking sick leave soon after starting work. Why? Contrary to popular belief, the levels of infectious organisms are very high all throughout hospitals.
Yes, cell phones used at the bedside are probably highly contaminated, but so is everything that is in the hospital setting - even visitors.
After visiting a hospital, change your clothing and wash your hands well - maybe a shower would be best. There's no need for antibacterial soap, just use regular soap and shampoo, and wash your clothes as you would normally.
If you are ever admitted to a hospital, do your best top get discharged as soon as possible. Then, get cleaned up.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Sunscreens are DRUGS, too.
I've long wondered about the safety of applying sunscreens and then exposing my skin to powerful UV rays. While I'm not alone with these concerns, those of us who worry about such things are really in the minority.
Here's a very good description of nine of the most serious concerns about sunscreens. Take a few minutes to read this article and share it. While it probably isn't 100% accurate (nothing is), I think there's enough truth there to make a person seriously consider whether using sunscreens is a good idea.
. Forbes did the research and figured out the worst places to live (or be from) in terms of skin cancer incidence. Here are the top five regions with the greatest per-capita skin cancer ratios: North America, Eastern Europe, Europe, Australia, Asia Pacific and East Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
They are beginning to catch up to the truth
The whole IDEA around cholesterol and health is distorted - especially in our quest to drive levels lower and lower. The only harm from cholesterol is if a person doesn't have enough - and that happens all too often when cholesterol-lowering drugs are in use.
This study reports that raising "good cholesterol" isn't helpful. Of course. Messing with cholesterol levels is a dangerous mania that must come to an end. I am delighted to see that the truth about cholesterol is beginning to make itself known.
Dr. Mercola comments on the American Cancer Society
He refers to them as, "'Anti' Cancer Charity". He offers 9 suggestions for beating disease - including cancer. They make sense, but I wonder how many of us would look forward to dining on only boiled, poached, or steamed foods. A poached steak doesn't have the sizzle appeal I get when I envision a steak hot off the grill. How does "steamed liver" strike you?
All things in moderation, I guess.