Monday, June 06, 2011


... It took people 45 to lose 10 pounds on a high-fat program and 70 days for those who exercised and followed a high-carbohydrate diet constructed. There were no negative consequences reported. However, the researchers warn about "what if" something happens 5 or 10 years down the line?

... Well, we KNOW what happens to people who live on high carbs and low fat. They're all around us. Just look.

...Maybe, just maybe, there is a healthy place for fats in our diet. Sad, though that the NEW FOOD PLATE from our government is not acknowledging it. Their "plate" is pretty, but so what? It's OFF BASE in more ways than one. However, I probably shouldn't complain. After all, The First Lady supports it. That must mean its good - for something - right?

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