Thursday, June 02, 2011

I guess we're just too ignorant for simple food facts.

....Prior to the 1940s our government published charts and data on what we should eat. It seems we were capable of reading and understanding. Starting in the 1940s,they have been using simple pictures to tell us what to eat. It started as a wheel and changed to a mobile in the 50s, 60s, and 70's. That was replaced with a pyramid that was probably too simple because it was replaced with a more dramatic pyramid - dramatic in the sense of confusing and conflicted.

....The overlords have recognized that we were not doing well in the eating department. They probably looked at some studies (ones we probably paid for) and determined that the confusing modern pyramid wasn't clear enough. So, they made another picture. A PLATE, filled with pastel symbols. It's pretty and basic, but it doesn't tell us much. I wonder what's wrong with just doing what they did prior to the 1940s, publishing a guide that listed how we should eat?

....Wait! maybe they don't think we're smart enough to understand.

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