Thursday, June 16, 2011

No! All sugars are NOT alike.

.... High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) has been repeatedly associated with numerous negative effects. This article explains how HFCS is associated with excessive arm pit sweating. It isn't a scientific study and it isn't published in some high caliber peer review medical journal. It is, however, worth reading and considering. If there is any truth to the information we should ask ourselves if this might not just be more evidence against HFCS.

.... If we eliminate HFCS, should we replace it with other sugars. No. Sugar and sweetness are addicting and thee is much evidence that sugar can cause cancer. In fact, one test for cancer (PET scan) actually uses radioactive sugar to highlight cancer cells in the body. Cancer cells love sugar. Let's decide to NOT FEED CANCER CELLS.

.... Sugar is bad. HFCS is worse.

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